Getting married is an exciting experience as the couple knows and loves each other deeply. For many, it can also be an apprehensive experience with doubts of whether he or she has made the right decision. Some may have unrealistic expectations of marriage which can lead to future conflict. Having an outside facilitator lead the couple in focused discussions helps them deal with these concerns to make that wedding day that much more confident and joyful.
Two core elements of a successful marriage are commitment and good communication. The aim of premarital counselling is to pass on to the couple the best communication skills possible while talking about some of the most common topical issues that come up in marriage.
Our therapists are trained in administering the Prepare-Enrich Assessment survey for couples of any age. This assessment evaluates 12 different relationship scales. These scales include communication, conflict resolution, roles, sexuality, finances, spiritual beliefs, and more, identifying important strengths and possible growth areas in your relationship.
We hope these discussions will give couples a deeper understanding of each other as well as confidence that they can communicate effectively on any issue that may appear in marriage.
Premarital / Remarriage Counselling typically takes 8 hours which can be broken up into 8 one-hour sessions or 4 two-hour sessions.